Friday, March 20, 2009

Rumor was....

So since AJ and I were so happy to figure it out I just wanted to share with everyone the short version... trust me you dont want the long one. here goes.... We got pregnant and I got sick and not like any other normal person I got sicker every day. 6 months later, countless doctor visits, IV's, ultra sounds, emergency room, ultra sounds, one surgery, two nights in Cassia Regional, hundreds of needles in my arms and hands, more ultra sounds, thousands of dollars later, and one long day at McKay Dee Hospital in Ogden, Utah we finally got an answer. I was pregnant, at 15 weeks we lost it due to what the genetic counselor called Triploidy. It had chromosome abnormalities, having 69 chromosomes instead of 46, 23X and 23Y. It all FINALLY made sense to us! I hope you understand. We got a picture, you wont. Sorry. Anyways... we got some closure and hope so it wasnt a waste, for me anyways. I know this is a lot of information in such a short amount of time trust me its way too depressing to hear the long version. The last thing I want is someone to ask me how I am doing and think I am still pregnant. Im not, still sick and still recovering. On the positive side it was a girl and I feel a lot better now than I did before. There are still doctor visits and more needles and blood tests but slowly Im improving. I hope everyone got the same satisfaction I did by learning all of this. I know you will.


Brittany said...

A girl! Wow awesome. This is good. I feel better reading this. I love you tons!

Tosha said...

We love you Summer. Remi still worries about you, hope you are feeling better!