Saturday, January 1, 2011

December December December!

December is full of pictures! Just a heads up... I don't want to overwhelm you but there are a lot of pictures. She is just so darn cute and I cant help but share her with all of you!  I did cut back on the words for those of you who still struggle with reading and focus! Enjoy. 

12.7.2010 - Jemma loves dirt! actually she just likes to sit by the sliding door and watch the dog and cats through the window and when I'm not paying attention she pulls my dying tree over and enjoys a few bites.

12.8.2010 – We took Jemma to the Jazz Heat game and it was so fun! She did so well and was actually enjoyable. She can’t wait to go again!

12.9.2010 – I finally finished Jemma’s crib skirt and bumper so we put her bed together and she is sleeping in it! It’s a work in progress, she has good and bad nights but she does love her crib. (I’m still working on the quilt and her room is slowly coming together)

12.16.2010 – Jemma loves to do her chores! Her favorite… the laundry. And when she is done working so hard she sleeps so well. 

 12.18.2010 – Faith came and stayed with us for the weekend and it was so fun! We had a blast, we went to Twin, had a party, made treats and when it was time to come home Faith didn’t want to leave. I didn’t want her to either. Jemma loves her to death and they hang out for hours just playing and watching cartoons. Jemma figured out how to stand up on anything, climb up stairs and fall down stairs (which has become a daily experience) thankfully there are only 2. Jemma in her Christmas dress after church on Sunday (I tried to get Faith in the picture but she had her clothes off before I knew it!). And Jemma found her new hangout spot in AJ’s beloved oversized reclining chair!

12.20.2010 – We had a Christmas family outing and went to the Rock Creek Lights in Hansen. It’s actually really cool, tons of Christmas lights and a live camel.

12.21.2010 – We had Christmas with Tashie and Tyler early. Jemma will love the dress she got her but that day she just wanted the tag.

12.22.2010 – Jemma again playing with the cat through the glass and then trying to grab a quick bite.

 12.23.2010 – She would play in the tub for hours if I would let her, she loves it and it is so entertaining to watch her get clean while making yet another mess. And when all clean she does loves her daddy’s chair!



Mrs. Butterworth said...

I love the crib. That is so cute. When I grow up I want to be crafty like you, haha! And I'm pretty sure my mom has a few pictures of me eating dirt in that same room. :)

Adele said...

The crib bumper/blanket is so pretty! You're so ambitious! Love that Jemma! She is too cute!

Lisha said...

I've said it before, but i'll say it again... JEMMA IS THE CUTEST BABY ON EARTH EVER EVER EVER! :)